The Eurasier is a wonderful dog breed. Breed clubs and their breeders must try to ensure to keep it that way. The German Eurasier clubs where the breed originates have strict breeding rules which are enforced by the clubs and their trained breeding officials to ensure good health and a sound temperament.
Breeding goal is always the improvement of the breed. Litters are only planned if there is a demand for puppies and if the puppies will already have guaranteed qualified homes when they are born. In their country of origin, the breed underlies planned and guided breeding. Breeding councils calculate and thoroughly study which breeding pairs are best to create healthy offspring that comes closest to the breed standard. It might not always be the easiest way to go, particularly not if there is a small breed pool but this cautious work produced this exceptional breed and I am a fervent supporter of thorough research and careful selection of breeding partners.
A Eurasier breeder never gains any income from his breeding. Eurasier breeders are hobby breeders only and are solely allowed to keep two females for breeding. All breeding data is kept in a general database which enables general tracking of individual Eurasier’s data and presents the clubs' breeding officials with information to find the best suggestions for mating.
Eurasiers must be kept in an environment which allows them to be close to their human pack. They cannot be kept in kennels and it can be very difficult to temporarily board them with third parties for vacations, etc. Due to the fact that they need close family contact, they should not be left alone either for a whole work day. They would be unhappy. The Eurasier lives with his human pack as a family member
The Eurasier owner gives his dog the chance to encounter his surroundings during daily walks and makes sure that he will be able to have social contacts with other people and dogs.
Another special feature of the Eurasier community are Eurasier Walks and Eurasier Meeting where owners and their dogs meet for nice walks and enjoy a good time together with their dogs.