Enya vom Rhein-Neckar-Dreieck
The Polar Bear Dog
Our sweet ”Enya vom Rhein-Neckar-Dreieck” was born on November 7, 2007 in Mannheim, Germany. I met Enya’s beautiful mother Gipsy during my IFEZ visit and was welcomed in the home of her owner’s family. The Roemer family entrusted me with one of their little females: “Enya” My husband David picked her up from Mannheim in January of 2008. Enya enriched our lives. She made us laugh every day with her antics. She was such an imp that you could only love her. She fit right into our pack. She was an active, tall, muscular female, fearless, independent but obedient and a good guard dog. Enya was a cuddler also and the only one of our dogs who jumped on our bed on a Sunday to snuggle for a couple of minutes (courtesy of the loving treatment of our son!!)! Enya matured nicely and had an outgoing and friendly temperament. She was beautiful inside and out and with her ”falben” (cream)€ color was often compared to a polar wolf. She had the ever-smiling face of a Samoyed and was also vocal and spoke with us. In February of 2019 our beautiful girl left us as she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. We fought hard and bought her a little bit of time. We miss her happiness tremendously.